Thursday, 23 February 2012

Art in everyday dressing

As soon as you enter a room , all the people turn their heads to take in your appearance, your poise, your expressions and your body language, all within seconds of looking at you and even before you open your mouth to greet !!
It has been proved that verbal communication is only 7 % of the total communication. In your silence lays 93% of the communication which is visual - how you look , how you behave and how you appear to others. They depend only on the visual clues to judge a person .
To portray an image which truly represents what you are inside out, you have to dress accordingly, choosing each aspect of your visual communication with care. You cant go wrong where 93% is at stake !  This will include not only your dressing but personal grooming, your accessories , footwear and makeup and last but not to be forgotten, your beautiful smile :)
Your appearance should be in harmony with the surroundings and the occasion .You should always dress to impress.To select the right colour and fit is as important as the design details .Get a body shape analysis done so that you know exactly where to begin for perfect visual balance and how to achieve a visually ideal shape and get a  colour analysis done to choose the most flattering colours for yourself .

You are the best and let the world know this !!!

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Image -

When a person first sees you, without your knowledge or permission, he judges you in those very first few seconds, based on your dressing, grooming, body language etc  and forms his personal opinion. This opinion is based on what he sees, what he perceives, and then what he decides. He might decide that you are trustworthy, competent, truthful, confident, etc or not....

The bad news is that we cannot control his perception of our image but the good news is that we can control the image which affects his mind. :)

Welcome to the world of Image Management !!

At Perceptions Unlimited, we professionally help you to manage your image so that the variations in an individual's personality are reinforced or countered (as the need be) and an image true to your inner self is  projected to the outside world. An image with which you are comfortable and at peace with your personal preferences. An image which conveys to the perceptive outside world what your true self is .......

Monday, 13 February 2012


Hello, my name is Priya and I am an Image Consultant. I guide people to improve upon their professional and personal lives and achieve their goals by understanding their lifestyle, personal style, their requirements and aims and then, help them create a positive image by suggesting suitable improvements in their dressing, grooming, appearance, body language, and proper etiquette. To help them emit positive vibes to create a positive image and impression , you know, as they say "First Impression is the Last Impression"