Thursday, 13 June 2013

Is Ignorance Actually Bliss ??

Is Ignorance Actually Bliss??

The world around us is changing and changing at a faster pace than we realize!! The importance of Image management cannot be overlooked….

There are, generally speaking, four stages where people find themselves, from blissful unawareness to conscious efforts to achieve and be the change.

At the first level, there is the group which is totally ignorant that there is a change coming their way, or that a change is required or that this change will benefit them in any manner. They are just happy leading their lives in the same manner as they have been doing for a long time and believing that their appearances do not matter. They want to continue with the same.

Second  level is for the group which is a little better and is aware that the change is on its way but here, their interest diminishes. They feel they will change with the change as and when it happens. They make no effort no know more about the change. They know that appearances matter but they cannot relate its importance to self.

Third level group is aware that the change is the demand of time and that they have to change but what and when and how are questions they find no answers to. They are lost in this busy world, wanting to change but not knowing how to go about it. These people need help in changing their first impressions and appearances. They have to be informed that help for them is at hand.

The last and the fourth group of people is the group most acceptable to change. They know that appearances matter. They know that it is extremely important that they always leave behind a positive impression in the minds of people they meet. They know that it is the requirement of time to change themselves with the fast evolving world if they want to retain their positions and even tread ahead of the rest. They are consciously making an effort to know more about it and want to be prepared with the knowledge which might be needed to stay abreast. They want to change and are willing to channelize their energies in the right direction.

Those who are at a lower level need to be helped so that they reach the level higher and then higher again and are nearer to the goal of change and success. As they rise in awareness, they become open to changes and accept them more readily. They begin to see light and become aware that appearances also need management and if they miss this wave of global change, they might be left far, far behind.

If ignorance is bliss then knowledge is power !!

What are we supposed to do?

As an Image consultant, we have to create this awareness amongst the people. Creating awareness and helping them with the management of their first impression always, be it their professional or personal lives , teaching them basics of image management and enhancing their personal styles, armed with the confidence that with knowledge comes the power of belief and self assurance that “I am the best at all times to come. “
With each successful consultation grows the belief that “Appearances do matter and first impressions can me managed easily with a little guidance and help from those excel in this field of expertise.”
For detailed information on Image management, please visit the website

For personalized guidance and any queries related to image management you can write at:

Thank you .....

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